Category: Grief journey
Alone Again, Naturally – Hope for Widows Blog for November 2024
As a writer, I spend a lot of time alone, and a lot of time thinking – mostly contemplating life. Tonight, the holiday dinner is over, the kids and grandkids are all off on their merry way, and I sit here pondering how it feels to be alone again in my quiet home. It feels natural now.
I was nearing … Read the blog
A Widow’s Words, Year Two ebook now available on Amazon
A Widow’s Words, Year Two: Grief, Reflection, Prose, Poetry, and Hope has been released in ebook format and is available on Amazon.
From the author of A Widow’s Words, comes the second book in the series of poetry and essays about grief. A Widow’s Words: Year Two explores coping with life as a widow following the first anniversary … Read the blog
Year Two of My Widow Journey – A Widow’s Words, Year Two Available Soon
Five years ago, I published a book of essays and poetry I wrote during the year after my husband died. The book, A Widow’s Words: Grief, Reflection, Prose, and Poetry is available on
Although seven years have passed in my grief journey, I continue to receive emails from new widows who are reading my book about the first … Read the blog
Kisses That Last a Lifetime
July 12th would have been our twenty-seventh wedding anniversary. In the seven years since Rick died, I’ve gone through many different stages of grief, and I’m a different woman than that distraught widow from years ago. Instead of sadness over his death, I more often look back feeling thankful for experiencing our life together. Instead of constant grief triggers that … Read the blog
Disconnected – June 2024, Hope for Widows blog
I reported for jury duty a couple weeks ago. It’s probably my tenth time in the past 45 years since I was first summoned in my early twenties. However, this was the first time I’ve served that we were allowed to bring cell phones into the courthouse. Quite a perk!
Other years, I was in no-contact status with the world … Read the blog
What I Miss – Hope for Widows Blog for March 2024
Life is normal now. I’m me, and I’m alone, and it’s okay.
And then, suddenly, it’s not.
When things are going well, I enjoy my life alone so much that I barely want to date. I have no desire to find the next companion, partner, potential mate. I’ve come to terms with life on my own. I’ve actually done better … Read the blog
There Will Never Be Another You – Hope for Widows Blog – January 2024
Every now and then I hear one of those old songs from the 1940s that my parents used to listen to, and – wow – do those lyrics hit! The other night, as I lay awake in bed (as usual), I remembered the lyrics of “There Will Never Be Another You”:
… Read the blogThere will be many other nights like this |
Your Surviving Heart – December blog posted on the Hope for Widows website
As I sit here, reflecting on the year that has passed, I realized how alone I feel. Sure, I have lots of loved ones in my life – and many, many people I can count on to be there for me, so I’m not lonely at all. But I’ve never felt this alone. I think it’s all the holiday cheer … Read the blog
Accepting the Unacceptable – Hope for Widows November 2023 blog
For a couple years after my husband died, grief completely overtook my life. I was in a pain-filled fog. I thought about him around the clock. There were memories of his loss everywhere – in my home, my life, my routines, my habits, my comings and goings. Every store we shopped in, every street we drove down together, every restaurant … Read the blog