One of my new favorite shows, 1883, has the characters saying some memorable lines. Since I’m involved in a relatively new romance, some of the lines about love give my heart a pleasant little twinge. But a discussion about grief in the last episode left me sobbing in a way I haven’t in a while. It was that pleasure/pain … Read the blog
Tag: loss
First Loves and Last Goodbyes – a Poem
I heard the news, and then I cried
A boy I used to love has died
We were just teens the night we met
No boy had ever kissed me yet
So long ago and far away
He smiled at me and made my day
He held my hand, he kissed my face
I followed him most any place
His … Read the blog
Fantasy Time
Sometimes, I can still hear your voice in my head telling me, “I love you honey.” I can still hear you saying, “It will be OK.”
And every now and then one of your catchphrases pops into my head: “That’s why they call me ‘the big fella,’” or even, “Shut the hell up.”
When something good happens – “That’s better … Read the blog
Autumn Leaves
Can I pretend, just for a few minutes
That you are outside in the yard
Wearing your red flannel hoodie?
Can I imagine, just for a while
On this beautiful November Saturday –
That you’re raking the fallen leaves, as you loved to do?
Wearing your tiny white iPhone earbuds,
You’re listening to the new Grisham book
Oh, how you … Read the blog
The Dance
When Rick and I were first dating, I was nervous about it. We had met online and this was well before an app for swiping through potential mates was even invented. It was 1996, and it was the early days of internet dating using America Online. Because online dating was a completely new and bizarre concept, it was a scary … Read the blog
Hope for Widows Blog: Time, Grief, and an Apple Watch
Deciding what to do with one of Rick’s tech toys triggers unexpected grief. Here’s a link to my first blog post as a contributor on the Hope for Widows Foundation website:
… Read the blog