Two decades in the middle of my life. In time, is that what you’ll become? I man I loved for two decades of my life?
Twenty years is so awfully awfully short. Why does it hurt so much to picture you this way? To think that some day you’ll be a man I once loved?
Will I be an old woman of 80 thinking back to the one special time we shared? Twenty years, one fourth of my life? Is that all you’ll be? A fading memory? A special special person I once shared my life and dreams with?
I wanted you forever. I wanted to be old and gray in our matching chairs, watching home shows and Jeopardy until the end.
But no, I’m on my own, and we only had twenty years – two very short decades of love, passionate love, indescribable love.
But only 20 years.
You were a man I once loved. It hurts to know that’s all we’ll ever have.