Every step I take forward is a step away from you.
But is it?
It’s a step away from what we shared.
It’s a step away from my time with you.
But is it also a step toward the future – the afterlife – I will share with you?
Are you sitting on the beach waiting for me, an empty chair, an empty glass on the table next to you?
Are you waiting to sit together and talk over our memories and the time we had together?
Are you waiting, as you so often did out under the gazebo?
Are you waiting for me to join you for eternity?
Then every step I take is a step towards that time we will share forever.
I can’t wait to see you again, to touch you again.
In the meantime…
I will miss you and love you and talk to you.
I will create more stories to share with you
When I see you again.